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PHP: unserialize(): Error at offset 757 of 784 bytes

why does it return an “unserialize(): Error at offset 757 of 784 bytes” i was just adding permission to the serialized string in the database here is my string database: permission row Super Admin: Cashier: Manager: My_controller.php: as you can see there was an i:0;s:8:”viewFile”; in the cashier and the manager and in my web you cannot manipulate the super

Python expression equivalent to include() of PHP

Is there any expression in Python that is equivalent to ‘include()’ of PHP? To be more specific, I want to make in python a file for database connection and another for queries, but the variable for the connection only exists in the connection file. If it was in PHP I could use ‘include()’ to call the connection variable in another

Generic enum type in php

How can I specify an argument type to take any enum value? Something like function processEnum(enum $value) would be ideal, however nothing seems to exist? Additionally it would be nice to separate backed vs non-backed enums or additionally backed types; enums that are backed as strings for example. Answer All enums implement the UnitEnum interface, and backed enums (those with

Remove item by its value from array inside a loop

Given this working code: How would you optimize the “Clean up the input array” phase? Is there a way to delete all the items in the input array those matches the if condition? Thanks everyone Answer Yes, add a key to the initial foreach and use it to unset the value in the input array you are adding to the
