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Escape a pdo query, is that necessary?

My question of to day is. Do i need to escape PDO in my script? $columns = implode(“, “,$column); $query = ”.$query.’ ‘.$columns.’ FROM ‘.$table.”; $dbh_query = $dbh->prepare($query); $dbh_query-…

How to send a SMS through PHP form?

I have one simple PHP form for sending SMS, I’m trying to send a SMS to one number but it gives me a success message “SMS has sent…” along with the error “Invalid Username/Password”. I manually …

How to use PHP function into API Blocks with ConfigureIT

I am creating API’s using the api builder on Configure.It. can anyone explain me how to use the php custom function in the api block. Answer Hello Nitish, Please check below comments. Hope it will helpful for you. In API Configuration we can add php function in following blocks. Php function in these blocks uses for different purpose. Query Block

Datatables + PHP: Server-Side Processing on Multiple Tables

How can I get Datatables Server-Side Processing script to work with a custom query? I need to select columns from multiple tables and have Datatables render them.’s Server-Side Processing (SSP) with PHP is summarized here: I found this SO question, but the original poster never provided his solution. I don’t have sufficient reputation to ask him to provide
