I am trying to create an Ticket via PHP & the REST genericinterface from OTRS (https://doc.otrs.com/doc/manual/admin/6.0/en/html/genericinterface.html#id-
I can create an Ticket and also an Article. But instead of an outgoing email the OTRS History looks like the user was sending a ticket to the queue. And also no mail is going out to the customer :-(. But I like to have an outgoing EMail Ticket together with a pending state of the ticket.
Here my PHP code
<?php header("Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8"); require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use GuzzleHttpClient; $client = new Client(['base_uri' => 'http://test-otrs.company.local/otrs/nph-genericinterface.pl/Webservice/GenericTicketConnectorREST/']); $arrTicket = array( "Title" => 'some ticket title', "Queue" => 'testqueue', "Lock" => 'unlock', "Type" => 'Unclassified', "State" => 'new', "Priority" => '3 normal', "Owner" => 'username', "CustomerUser" => 'user@test.com' ); $arrArticle = array( "CommunicationChannel" => 'Email', "SenderType" => 'agent', "To" => 'user@test.com', "Subject" => 'some subject', "Body" => 'some body', "ContentType" => 'text/plain; charset=utf8' ); $response = $client->post('Ticket', ['json' => array("UserLogin" => "username", "Password" => "testtesttest", "Ticket" => $arrTicket, "Article" => $arrArticle)]); if ($response->getBody()) { echo $response->getBody(); }
https://forums.otterhub.org/viewtopic.php?p=168025#p168025 solved my problem. You need a extra plugin (https://github.com/znuny/Znuny4OTRS-GIArticleSend) to be able to send an outgoing EMail Ticket.