I have a model School wich has a belongsToMany relation:
class School extends Model { protected $fillable = [ "url", "title", "is_own", ]; public function events() { return $this->belongsToMany(Event::class, "event_school"); } }
How I can order school by event start_at field? For example, can I do like this?
School::whereHas("events") ->with([ "events" => function ($query) { $query->latest("start_at")->limit(4); }, "events.address" ])->orderBy("events.start_at")->paginate(4);
Is it posible? Please tell me how to implement this. thanks.
UPD: I try with join, yes it works but not properly:
Schools::whereHas("events") ->select("schools.*") ->join("event_school", "schools.id", "=", "event_school.school_id") ->join("events", function ($join) { $join->on("events.id", "=", "event_school.event_id") ->whereDate("events.start_at", ">=", Carbon::now()->format("Y-m-d")) ->limit(4); }) ->join("addresses", "events.address_id", "=", "addresses.id") ->groupBy("schools.id") ->orderBy("events.start_at")
I’l geting all events. ->whereDate("events.start_at", ">=", Carbon::now()->format("Y-m-d"))
not work, and not load addresses
School::whereHas("events") ->select("schools.*") ->join("event_school", "schools.id", "=", "event_school.school_id") ->join("events", function ($join) { $join->on("events.id", "=", "event_school.event_id"); }) ->with([ "events" => function ($query) { $query->whereDate("start_at", ">=", Carbon::now()->format("Y-m-d")) ->orderBy("start_at", "asc") ->limit(4); }, "events.address" ]) ->groupBy("schools.id") ->orderBy("events.start_at");