I am having a problem with PHP at the moment, I am getting this error,
Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string
the error occurs when I run this portion of code in my site,
function myaccount() { $data['user_data'] = $this->auth->get_userdata($this->uri->segment(3)); //var_dump($data['user_data']); $this->load->model('users_model'); $data['user_info'] = $this->users_model->get_user_and_roadmaps_by_id($this->uri->segment(3)); $this->template->build('users/my_account', $data); }
The line in which the error is occuring is this one,
$data['user_data'] = $this->auth->get_userdata($this->uri->segment(3));
And this line is calling this function,
function get_userdata() { $CI =& get_instance(); if(!$this->logged_in()) { return false; } else { $query = $CI->db->get_where('users', array('user_id' => $CI->session->userdata('user_id'))); return $query->row(); } }
I don’t really now what this problem is, so any help would be great.
Most likely, the userdata()
function is returning an object, not a string. Look into the documentation (or var_dump the return value) to find out which value you need to use.