I’m getting the following error when I try and visit my app_dev.php page:
No route found for "GET /"
The thing is that I defined this route, my routing.yml file looks like this:
0 v42homepage: 1 pattern: / 2 defaults: { _controller: v42Bundle:Default:index } 3 4 v42meetTheTeamPage: 5 pattern: /meetTheTeam 6 defaults: { _controller: v42Bundle:Default:meetTheTeam } 7 8 v42whatWeDoPage: 9 pattern: /whatWeDo 10 defaults: { _controller: v42Bundle:Default:whatWeDo } 11 12 v42contactUsPage: 13 pattern: /contactUs 14 defaults: { _controller: v42Bundle:Default:contactUs } 15 16 v42homepage: 17 pattern: /login 18 defaults: { _controller: v42Bundle:Default:login }
And here is my controller:
<?php 47 46 namespace v42WebsiteBundleController; 45 44 use SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleControllerController; 43 42 class DefaultController extends Controller 41 { 40 public function indexAction() 39 { 38 $templating = $this->container->get('templating'); 37 36 $response = $templating->renderResponse('v42Bundle:Default:index.html.twig'); 35 34 return $response; 33 } 32 31 public function meetTheTeamAction() 30 { 29 $templating = $this->container->get('templating'); 28 27 $response = $templating->renderResponse('v42Bundle:Default:meetTheTeam.html.twig'); 26 25 return $response; 24 } 23 22 public function whatWeDoAction() 21 { 20 $templating = $this->container->get('templating'); 19 18 $response = $templating->renderResponse('v42Bundle:Default:whatWeDo.html.twig'); 17 16 return $response; 15 } 14 13 public function contactUsAction() 12 { 11 $templating = $this->container->get('templating'); 10 9 $response = $templating->renderResponse('v42Bundle:Default:contactUs.html.twig'); 8 7 return $response; 6 } 5 4 public function loginAction() 3 { 2 $templating = $this->container->get('templating'); 1 0 $response = $templating->renderResponse('v42Bundle:Default:login.html.twig'); 1 2 return $response; 3 } 4 5 }
All of my other paths work, but visiting app_dev.php without providing a path does not, even though this should resolve to my / path by default. What could cause this?
I have tried clearing my cache with Symfony’s console program as described here.
What was called pattern
is now called path
in the routing configuration.
The old key pattern
is deprecated and will be removed in Symfony 3.0.
Reference here.
If you use a different routing for the dev enviroment i.e. routing_dev.yml:
framework: router: { resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/routing_dev.yml" }
You have to import the production routes in routing_dev.yml
# ... dev routes here ... i.e. _wdt, _profiler _main: resource: routing.yml
Furthermore make sure you dont overwrite the /
route in routing_dev.yml.
the first matching route-pattern always wins – the routes before the import of routing.yml in routing_dev.yml will overwrite.
But … using the same route-names overwrites the ones declared earlier.
You can check which routes exist in your application with
app/console router:debug app/console router:debug --env=prod
problem here: dublicate route names
v42homepage: pattern: / v42homepage: pattern: /login
rename the second v42homepage to i.e. v42login to resolve the issue.