Im building a restaurant website and i have to search for food items according to what the user inputs in the search bar. I have to sort the results by the most relevant one
if (isset($_POST['searchValue']))
function test_input($data) {
$data = trim($data); //whitespacess
$data = stripslashes($data); //removes backslashes n clean data from
database or form
$data = htmlspecialchars($data); //converts predefined characters to html
entities, encoding user input so that they cannot manipulate html codes
return $data;
$starString= strtolower('{$searchData}');
$searchData = $conn->quote($starString);
$searchDataStartMatch = $conn->quote("%".$starString);
$searchDataEndMatch = $conn->quote($starString."%");
$searchDataBothMatch = $conn->quote("%".$starString."%");
$sql="SELECT * FROM food WHERE Food_Name like {$searchDataBothMatch} OR
Food_Description LIKE {$searchDataBothMatch}
ORDER BY CASE WHEN Food_Name={$searchData} or Food_Description =
{$searchData} THEN 0
WHEN Food_Name like {$searchDataEndMatch} or
Food_Description LIKE {$searchDataEndMatch} THEN 1
WHEN Food_Name like {$searchDataBothMatch} or
Food_Description LIKE {$searchDataBothMatch} THEN 2
WHEN Food_Name like {$searchDataStartMatch} or
Food_Description LIKE {$searchDataStartMatch} THEN 3
if ($res->rowCount()>0)
<div class="col-lg-3 mx-0">
//the code continues here
I have re formatted the latest sql statement and have executed the query but still it does not give me any desired output.. Now how shall i proceed?
First of all, don’t use variables in the string. You are using PDO, therefore, use prepared statements instead.
Also if I understood correctly you need the “LOWER” function for the string you are searching right? in that case, use PHP “strtolower” function once and give that variable to SQL statement
$searchData= strtolower("{Some_text_to_search}");
$searchDataStartMatch = "%".$searchData;
$searchDataEndMatch = $searchData."%";
$searchDataBothMatch = "%".$searchData."%";
$sql="SELECT * FROM food WHERE Food_Name like ? OR Food_Description LIKE ?
ORDER BY CASE WHEN Food_Name=? or Food_Description = ? THEN 0
WHEN Food_Name like ? or Food_Description LIKE ? THEN 1
WHEN Food_Name like ? or Food_Description LIKE ? THEN 2
WHEN Food_Name like ? or Food_Description LIKE ? THEN 3
$results = $statement->fetchAll();
if you want to loop over results replace
$results = $statement->fetchAll();
$result = [];
while($row = $statement->fetch()){
// your logic here
$result[] = $row;
If you Cannot or dont want to use prepared statemants then do so:
$starString= strtolower("{Some_text_to_search}");
$searchData = $conn->quote($starString);
$searchDataStartMatch = $conn->quote("%".$starString);
$searchDataEndMatch = $conn->quote($starString."%");
$searchDataBothMatch = $conn->quote("%".$starString."%");
$sql="SELECT * FROM food WHERE Food_Name like {$searchDataBothMatch} OR Food_Description LIKE {$searchDataBothMatch}
ORDER BY CASE WHEN Food_Name={$searchData} or Food_Description = {$searchData} THEN 0
WHEN Food_Name like {$searchDataEndMatch} or Food_Description LIKE {$searchDataEndMatch} THEN 1
WHEN Food_Name like {$searchDataBothMatch} or Food_Description LIKE {$searchDataBothMatch} THEN 2
WHEN Food_Name like {$searchDataStartMatch} or Food_Description LIKE {$searchDataStartMatch} THEN 3
$result = [];
while($row = $statement->fetch()){
// your logic here
$result[] = $row;