I’m trying to filter my products based on selected filters and possibly a search term/word. My filters have a relationship with categories, which in their turn have a relation ship with my products. My code below only works (without the if statement checking for a search term/word) when everything is chained together, but when I try to break the query into multiple lines (which I’ve read is possible, right?) it returns an empty array.
Here’s a my code:
// Create array from selected categories/filters $filter_ids = explode(',', $request->get('cats')); // Query for active products $products = Product::where('active', '=', 1); $products->with(['categories' => function($query) use ($filter_ids) { // Query for active categories $query->where('active', 1)->whereHas('filters', function ($query) use ($filter_ids) { // Query for the selected filters from the request $query->whereIn('id', $filter_ids); }); }]); // Check for search term/word if ($request->get('q')) { $q = $request->get('q') ? urldecode($request->get('q')) : null; $products->where('title', 'LIKE', "%{$q}%"); } // Limit to 10 items and get results $products->limit(10)->get(); return response()->json([ 'status' => 'success', 'response' => $products ], 200);
Lukas’ answer led me to do some more debugging and eventually solving my problem, though it was not the position of the if statement checking if there’s a search term/word.
The problem lies in the following line:
I needed to store the retrieved results from the get();
method in another variable, in my case:
$response = $products->limit(10)->get();
I eventually ended up with the following working code:
// Create array from selected categories/filters $filter_ids = explode(',', $request->get('cats')); // Query for active products $products = Product::where('active', '=', 1); $products->with(['categories' => function($query) use ($filter_ids) { // Query for active categories $query->where('active', 1)->whereHas('filters', function ($query) use ($filter_ids) { // Query for the selected filters from the request $query->whereIn('id', $filter_ids); }); }]); // Check for search term/word if ($request->get('q')) { $q = $request->get('q') ? urldecode($request->get('q')) : null; $products->where('title', 'LIKE', "%{$q}%"); } // Limit to 10 items, get results and store in '$response' $response = products->limit(10)->get(); return response()->json([ 'status' => 'success', 'response' => $response ], 200);