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Migrate to PHP 8.0: Unbinding $this when $this is used

Step by step, I am migrating my project(s) from PHP 7.1 to PHP 8.0.

In the official PHP manual, in the subchapter “Deprecated Features” of the chapter “Migrating from PHP 7.3.x to PHP 7.4.x”, I tried to understand the following deprecation description:

Unbinding $this when $this is used

Unbinding $this of a non-static closure that uses $this is deprecated.

Though, without success.

That’s why I would appreciate, if someone could explain me in detail, what this means. Maybe a code snippet could be helpful too.

Thank you very much for your time!

Maybe this helps for the explanation too:

In my project, I have only one situation to which, in my opinion, this deprecation notice could be appliable: to the method executeGroupHandler of the RouteCollection class presented bellow. I preferred to paste a bit more code of the class, in order to help you understand the context in which I use the method executeGroupHandler.

RouteCollection class:


Use of RouteCollection class:

Having the RouteCollection class defined, I use it similar to the following:




The deprecation was proposed (and accepted) in this RFC which gives some more details about what is deprecated and why.

The last sentence explains which closures are affected:

In particular this applies to non-static closures declared inside non-static methods. A $this binding can be avoided in the first place by marking the closure as static.

This was later narrowed down further in this commit, so that it only applies to closures where $this is actually mentioned in the closure.

The first sentence, meanwhile, gives a clearer example of what is being deprecated:

Currently it is possible to unbind the $this variable from a closure that originally had one by using $closure->bindTo(null).

The key words being unbind rather than rebind, and the null in the example.

There’s some more background from Nikita in this comment:

The reason we’re interested in this deprecation is exclusively to enable some performance improvements in PHP 8 related to $this accesses, which is enabled by the removal of static calls to non-static methods. $this accesses can be split into two categories: Those where we know $this to be non-null and those where we don’t. Method calls (will) fall into the former category. With this deprecation closures will also fall into the former category.

In other words, in PHP 8, the engine will blindly assume that any reference to $this in a closure will actually be an object, not null.

So the specific scenario that’s deprecated is where you have a closure that mentions $this, and you later unbind it, so that $this isn’t set to anything at all. As long as you’re providing a new value for $this, you should be unaffected, because $this will never be null.

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