I’ve been running a wiki for some time and we have the translate extension installed. This works great, only that there is now a page stuck and we aren’t able to translate on that page anymore.
First of all tried this: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T206464 Didn’t did the job…
After I read something about looking up the active Jobs and found out that there was a job “stuck”
xx@xx[~/public_html/maintenance]$ php showJobs.php --wiki=frwiki --group
TranslatablePageMoveJob: 0 queued; 1 claimed (0 active, 1 abandoned); 0 delayed
xx@xx [~/public_html/maintenance]$ php showJobs.php --wiki=frwiki --group --list
TranslatablePageMoveJob "page_name_x" (id=46762,timestamp=20200621154213) status=claimed
Is there anyway to get the job out of the list? So that it’s not claimed anymore. Kill or flush it?
You can try the radical solution: backup the database, connect to it and run DELETE FROM job WHERE id = 46762;