I have a model called Shifts with a belongsToMany relationship to a shift_employee table that acts as a pivot table to record applications for employees to shifts. I also have a scope so that I can return applications with shift objects. Here is part my Shift model:
class Shift extends Model { // use SoftDeletes; use AppHttpTraitsUsesUuid; protected $guarded = []; public function applications() { return $this->belongsToMany(Employee::class, 'shift_employee')->as('application')->withTimestamps()->withPivot('shortlisted'); } ... public function scopeWithApplications($query) { $query->with('applications'); } ... }
My shift_employee pivot table is pretty simple and the structure is shown below. I have one extra field to determine if an application has been shortlisted:
Schema::create('shift_employee', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->primary(['employee_id', 'shift_id']); $table->uuid('employee_id'); $table->uuid('shift_id'); $table->boolean('shortlisted')->default(false); $table->timestamps(); $table->foreign('employee_id') ->references('id') ->on('employees'); $table->foreign('shift_id') ->references('id') ->on('shifts') ->onDelete('cascade'); });
Below is my API show function for retrieving shift info:
public function show($id) { $shift = Shift::where('id', $id) ->with...() ->withApplications() ->with...() ->first(); return response([ 'shift' => $shift, ]); }
This is the response that I’m getting:
"shift": { "id": "2b91f55b-c0ff-4bdb-abc4-02604ba6a161", "some_field": "some_value", ... "applications": [ { some_field: "some_value", ... application: { shift_id: "2b91f55b-c0ff-4bdb-abc4-02604ba6a161", employee_id: "some_uuid", created_at: ..., updated_at: ..., shortlisted: 0 } }, { ... } ] ... }
What I want to do, is to replace the whole “application” inner object with only the field “shortlisted” from the pivot table so that it looks like this:
"shift": { "id": "2b91f55b-c0ff-4bdb-abc4-02604ba6a161", "some_field": "some_value", ... "applications": [ { some_field: "some_value", ... shortlisted: 0 } }, { ... } ] ... }
How can I do that? Ideally an eloquent call to something like withPivot but that excludes other fields and does not return an object. I couldn’t find it in the docs, but does something like that exist?
i think that the most straightforward way is to make independent relation based on the pivot table using pivot model:
class ShiftEmployee extends Pivot { protected $table='shift_employee'; }
now the new relation in Shift Model:
class Shift extends Model { public function shortlistedApplications() { return $this->hasMany(ShiftEmployee::class,'shift_id'); } public function scopeWithShortlistedApplications($query) { $query->with('shortlistedApplications:shift_id,shortlisted'); } }
now this new scope would bring the data you want