I am using Laravel 5.3, I want to define a field in table migration as nullable as well as unsigned. As both are index modifier, can I use them in concatenation ? Like:
Please also give some reference if there is to these kind of modifications in laravel documentation or somewhere.
Please note that I want to define field in up()
function as unsigned as well as nullable. I dont want solutions with down()
function like:
public function up()
Schema::create('ex', function (Blueprint $table) {
public function down()
DB::statement('ALTER TABLE ex MODIFY `some_field` integer NOT NULL;');
Thanks in advance!
You can. Laravel allows a lot of method-chaining. Each of the column methods is defined to return the same Blueprint
object, so you can easily call another method on it. This means you could even do:
Schema::create('ex', function (Blueprint $table) {
And all would be well 🙂
For further information, see the documentation on database migrations (see the section on “Column Modifiers”).