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Laravel SEO friendly URLs

I started learning laravel and couldn’t figure out how to solve a problem. For example if i want to create a route for products i can use a route like below.


In this approach we would get something like this localhost/product/macbook-pro. However i want to create a url like localhost/macbook-pro. In my project, where I did this with plain PHP using the $route variable, I was creating a table called links in the database and saving the links in it. I was doing the table structure and PHP side control as follows. url | type | type_id — | — | — macbook-pro | product | 1 msi-laptop | product | 2

if ($query = DB::table('links')
    ->where('url', route(0))
    ) {
    $type_id = $query['type_id'];
    $route[0] = $query['type'];

How can i get the same approach in laravel ?



You can customise key with Implicit Binding


With this, you need unique field slug in your product model.

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