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Laravel Passport Grant Token — Set custom username and password fields

I am working on project which has separate model for users — AppModelsCustomer. And also it has own authorisation fields — Email and cust_password. And also password is hashed by password_hash function.

In my config/auth.php in providers section I set up my custom model:


So I am trying to implement Laravel Grand Tokens. I need to make request to /oauth/token/ with client (which was previously created with custom provider field) and customer credentials as like this:


But I am receiving error: invalid_grant — The user credentials were incorrect.

I assume that Passport doesn’t know where to find my Email and cust_password fields. Is there any way to set custom login and password fiends?

Thanks you any advice!



Well, I wasn’t attentive enough, there is special topics for this situations:

Customizing The Username Field

Customizing The Password Validation

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