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Laravel morph table with morph field id size larger than one

I have a personal access token table with the following structure:


Now, this worked fine when I had an auto-incrementing integer as my user id that will be storing access tokens in this table, but I have changed my User ids to uuids instead. Now, I get the following error in when the personal_access_tokens is being created due to the tokenable_id not being able to store a uuid (I think)


Any idea how I can change the tokenable_id field to accept uuids instead?



Since the data type of the columns must match, and the primary key of your User model has the uuid format, the morphs() method will not work for you in this case. You can create the columns manually, as you indicate in the comments, but (since laravel version 5.8) the uuidMorphs() method is also available.

Creating Columns Available Column Types


Adds taggable_id UNSIGNED BIGINT and taggable_type VARCHAR equivalent columns.


Adds taggable_id CHAR(36) and taggable_type VARCHAR(255) UUID equivalent columns.

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