So, it’s my first LiveWire
learning Project.
Just to the point, I’m making a Livewire Component called User using php artisan make:livewire user
and then this is what I got
First User.php
<?php namespace AppHttpLivewire; use LivewireComponent; class User extends Component { public function render() { return view('livewire.user.index'); //i've updated this } }
And so, I want to make a create user at different pages. NOTES: Ive already use turbolinks for the SPA, and when I create like the traditional Laravel Controller like
Route::get('/user', User::class)->name('user.index'); Route::get('/user/create',[User::class, 'create'])->name('user.create');
User.php (livewire component)
<?php namespace AppHttpLivewire; use LivewireComponent; class User extends Component { public function render() { return view('livewire.user.index'); } // This is what i create public function create() { return view('livewire.user.create') ->extends('') ->section('contents'); } }
It doesn’t give me the parent templates (It doesn’t run into and go to contents, it just show blank pages), I’ve tried to extends it with and the section
<div class="flex h-screen bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-900" :class="{ 'overflow-hidden': isSideMenuOpen }"> @include('layouts.include._sidebar') <div class="flex flex-col flex-1 w-full"> @include('layouts.include._navbar') <main class="h-full overflow-y-auto"> <div class="container px-6 mx-auto grid"> {{-- {{ $slot }} --}} @yield('contents') </div> </main> </div> </div>
My question:
can we do like standart laravel controller with public function create inside user component OR we have to make a new component called UserCreate? Thanks!
You can handle this by different ways, depend of you. One can be have an UserForm component to handle the create/edit forms, and in User’s create component call to render the UserForm component to create new one.
public function create() { return redirect()->route('user.create'); }
in web.php
Route::get('/user/create', [UserForm::class])->name('user.create'); Route::get('/user/edit/{user?}', [UserForm::class])->name('user.edit');
and UserForm component
public $email, $name; public $user; public $option = ''; public function mount($user = null) { if(is_null($user)) { // some initialization $this->option = 'create'; } else { $this->user = User::find($user); $this->option = 'edit'; } } public function render() { return view('user-form'); } public funcion store() { if($this->option == 'create') { //create handler } else { //edit handler } }
instead use redirect you can use modals and render UserForm inside a modal you have in User component. As I told you, this can be do it by different ways