I am trying to return Json response as an array of objects. But instead I got response as object of objects. I have condition_question table where I save question_id and condition_id. I want to retrieve all questions which contains particular condition id. And sort them by answers_number. I am new to Laravel, here is my code:
$conditionsIdArray = array($chosenConditionsIds);
$results = Question::whereIn('question_id', function ($query) use ($conditionsIdArray) {
->whereIn('condition_id', $conditionsIdArray);
return response()->json([
'questions' => $results
], 200);
I get response:
"questions": {
"0": {
"question_id": 842,
"question_title": "Qui tempora...",
"question_body": "Repellendus non sint...",
"image": "https://lorempixel.com/640/480/?18901",
"question_view_count": 17,
"votes_number": 9,
"answers_number": 9,
"id_user": 9930,
"created_at": "2019-09-07 09:59:05",
"updated_at": "2019-09-08 18:23:41"
"28": {
"question_id": 20346,
"question_title": "Quaerat facere...",
"question_body": "Repudiandae culpa ...",
"image": "https://lorempixel.com/640/480/?91963",
"question_view_count": 2,
"votes_number": 2,
"answers_number": 9,
"id_user": 3546,
"created_at": "2019-09-07 10:07:38",
"updated_at": "2019-09-07 10:07:38"
As you can see, I get object with object. I do not want key/value, just simple array of objects type Question. I am struggling two days now, have tried some different stuff like toArray() but do not know how to solve it. Any help would be most welcome.
If you change the keys in an indexed array, it will believe it has an associate array, due to sorting the index is off. On the Laravel
collection there is a values()
method, which you can call there that reindex the collection.
return response()->json([
'questions' => $results->values()
], 200);