I am trying to figure out relationships in laravel and have come to the end of my rope so I thought I would post my very first question here in hopes of figuring it out. I can generally find the answer here but not this time.
I have the users table like so:
- id
- first_name
- last_name (etc.)
- address_1 (etc.)
- state_id
- city (etc.)
Then I have a states table
- id
- state_abrv
- state_name
Now from what I gather Eloquent wants the users_id stored in the states table instead of states_id stored in the users table but that does not make sense because you would have to repeat the states over and over.
On my User model I have tried
public function state() { return $this->belongsTo(State::class); }
public function state() { return $this->hasOne(State::class); }
but I think it is looking for the foreign key on the states table and not the users table. What am I missing here?
I want to get a list of all users for example in the show user details view with their state without a second query to get all the states into an array and getting their state from that array.
$users = User::with('state')->get();
If I really understand what you want, you really will have to update the state method in your User Class by adding a second parameter.
public function state() { return $this->belongsTo(State::class, 'states_id'); // if the column name in your users migration is state_id then you might not need the second param. }
Then you can get a user with the state relationship with
$users = User::with('state')->get();
I added states_id
as a second param because that is the column name you have provided as in your migration