In my Laravel (7.x) application. I am trying to create a component for links:
<a class="links" href="{{ $route }}" title="{{ $title ?? null }}"> @isset($icon) <i class="{{ $icon }}"></i> @endisset @isset($caption) <span>{{ $caption }}</span> @endisset </a>
<x-link icon="{{ $icon }}" route="{{ route("admin.{$route}.create") }}" /> OR <x-link icon="{{ $icon }}" route="{{ route("admin." . $route. ".create") }}" /> OR <x-link icon="{{ $icon }}" route="{!! route("admin.{$route}.create") !!}" /> OR <x-link icon="{{ $icon }}" route="{!! route("admin." . $route. ".create") !!}" />
And getting this issue:
syntax error, unexpected token "endif", expecting end of file (View: path)
However, if I do this, then it works:
$url = route("admin.{$route}.create"); ... <x-link icon="{{ $icon }}" route="{{ $url }}"></x-link>
I am not a fan of declaring the variables just for single use, I like to pass the value directly. Therefore, I prefer the first method.
Why is this simple code not working..?
I found that the parameters work better, if the values are bind with them.
<x-link icon="{{ $icon }}" :route="route('admin.' . $route . '.create')" />
Additionally… In case, if the multiple values are required:
<x-link icon="{{ $icon }}" :route="route('admin.' . $route . '.create')" :params="[ 'key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => [ ... ], ]" />