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Laravel and AWS SQS, How to read job payload / retrieve queue?

I struggling from last 3 days about how I can read queued job payload in Laravel.

What I’ve achieved till yet. Dispatch a job and see that it is available on AWS SQS queue. After that I’ve executed listener and worker for AWS to process queued jobs and I see that it is working fine as well.

Right now I am stuck on how I can read QUEUED job payload / messagebody / attributes from AWS SQS.

Here is my code example if possible than anyone from this whole community please help me.


Logs are printed if I remove this json_encode() from log info as mentioned above.



In your case you want to access $this->job->payload(), but you are overwriting the job variable in the constructor, with this line.


Instead rename this to something else.


Now you can access the payload like so.

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