Is there a nice way, to solve this issue: I have a folder ressources/views/project/content
with several blade teplates, let’s say:
home.blade.php how-to.blade.php info.blade.php best-way-to-score.blade.php ...
Right now, I define one view route per file:
Route::view('/home', 'project.content.home')->name('home'); Route::view('/how-to', '')->name('how-to'); ...
How can I create these routes on thy fly? I could solve it with a loop through all files in this directory, but maybe there is a more elegant way/function in laravel I don’t know yet?
If I understand correctly, what you you need is a generic get route like this:
Route::get('/{page}', 'PageController@show');
and then you need a PageController with a function to return the requested page:
public function show($page) { return view('project.content.'.$page); }
Just have in mind that this kind of route will “catch” every get request so put it at the end of the web.php file