So it is pretty easy to include relationships on models such as:
class User extends Model { protected $with=['roles'] } class Role extends Model { protected $with=['permissions'] }
when there’s a get request to the user resource, it will include associated roles automagically.
But in this setup, the role resources returned with user resource also includes it’s own included relationships like:
{user:{id:1, roles:[{id:1, permissions:[{id:1..
This generates huge objects, that mostly include unnecessary related child models.
I can workaround this by setting attributes to replace the default relationship includes but the API i am working on has 30+ resources and that path isn’t the ideal beause it will require me to write a lot of repeated code on models.
is there a way to manage the depth of appended relationships easily?
i imagine something like:
class Role extends Model { protected $with=['permissions']; protected $includeWith=[]; // role wont have the permissions appended when included }
If somebody is still interested in a solution for this: Laravel 5.5 introduced Api Resources which is a great way to organize the api responses. Just don’t include any relationships on your model and append them on the resource.
namespace AppHttpResources; use IlluminateHttpResourcesJsonResource; class UserResource extends Resource { public function toArray($request) { return [ 'id' => $this->id, 'name' => $this->name, 'email' => $this->email, 'created_at' => $this->created_at, 'updated_at' => $this->updated_at, 'roles'=> $this->roles ]; } }