I am a newbie developing WordPress theme but having some problems in the navigation menu. I want to open sub-menu through jQuery for certain reasons but terribly failed. Would you guys help me to get out of this problem? I have coded the following in the different php and js pages.
<div class="anilaDefaultHeader__bottom"> <nav class="main-menu" role="navigation" aria-label="<?php esc_html_e( 'Main Navigation', 'anila' ) ?>"> <?php get_template_part( 'template/header/main-menu' ); ?> </nav> <div class="search-area"> <?php get_search_form(); ?> </div> </div>
import $ from 'jquery'; $( '.anilaDefaultHeader__bottom' ).on( 'mouseenter', '.menu-item-has-children' (e) => { $(.currentTarget).addClass('open'); }).on('mouseleave', '.menu-item-has-children', (e) => { $(e.currentTarget).removeClass('open'); })
function anila_custom_script() { wp_enqueue_style( 'style-css',get_template_directory_uri() . '/src/css/main.css' ); if ( is_singular() && comments_open() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); } wp_enqueue_script( 'anila_script', get_template_directory_uri() . '/src/js/navigation.js', array( 'jquery' ), '1.0.0', true); include( get_template_directory() . '/lib/inline-css.php' ); wp_add_inline_style( 'style-css', $inline_styles ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'anila_custom_script' );
Everything is functioning fine but the only submenu is not opening when I am hovering.
If I go to inspect and manually add class ‘open’, it shows correctly. but it should be opened as I hover. I went to inspect and console and find and error
“Cannot use import statement outside a module”
When I removed
import $ from 'jquery';
from the navigation.js
then this msg occurred in inspect->console
$ is not a function navigation.js?ver=1.0.0:2
Please help to fix it.
Try replacing $
with jQuery
. That usually solves the problem for me. And do not use import
. Take look here for more into this.