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Is there anyway to get/remove the first object item like array_shift does on array in PHP?

I retrieved data, with mysqli->fetch_object(), in PHP. How can I get the first item and remove it from the objects, like array_shift does to array? How to emulate array_pop on stdClass also?

Something like:

# $object contains 4 items
# $object contains 2 items

Preferably no other libraries, nor conversions between object and array needed.



This will net you the first key from the object property list

$object = new stdClass();
$object->aaa = 'AAA';
$object->bbb = 'BBB';
$object->ccc = 'CCC';

if( empty( $vars = get_object_vars( $object ) ) === false )
  $firstKey = current( array_keys( $vars ) );
  $get = $object->$firstKey; // To get
  unset( $object->$firstKey ); // To remove
  var_dump( $get );

var_dump( $object );

string(3) "AAA"
object(stdClass)#1 (2) {
  string(3) "BBB"
  string(3) "CCC"

In the above code, we’re using an array of keys current( array_keys( $vars ) ) you can replace current with end if you want the first or last key, same way you could also use array_shift or array_pop

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