So I have made this webpage wherein it is a pseudo RTF editor that inserts data into the database. Insert into php the html in a div
I am having a problem when it comes to text styling the text typed after selecting a text style from a drop down. I would want it to be like word wherein after clicking on a particular text style, it would start typing using that said text style but not affecting rest of the text inside of a div. Codepen
#fake_textarea {
width: 100%;
height: 200px;
border: 1px solid red;
<!-- Add css to modify the text -->
#jBold {
font-weigth: bold;
text-decoration: underline;
text-decoration: line-through;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Put buttons here to modify the format -->
<select id="select_font" onchange="changeFont(this);">
<option value="Arial">Arial</option>
<option value="Sans Serif" selected>Sans Serif</option>
<option value="Comic Sans MS">Comic Sans MS</option>
<option value="Times New Roman">Times New Roman</option>
<option value="Courier New">Courier New</option>
<option value="Verdana">Verdana</option>
<option value="Trebuchet MS">Trebuchet MS</option>
<option value="Arial Black">Arial Black</option>
<option value="Impact">Impact</option>
<option value="Bookman">Bookman</option>
<option value="Garamond">Garamond</option>
<option value="Palatino">Palatino</option>
<option value="Georgia">Georgia</option>
<select id="select-size" onchange="changeSize(this);">
<option value="4">4</option>
<option value="8">8</option>
<option value="12">12</option>
<option value="16">16</option>
<option value="20">20</option>
<option value="24">24</option>
<option value="28">28</option>
<option value="32">32</option>
<option value="36">36</option>
<option value="40">40</option>
<option value="44">44</option>
<option value="48">48</option>
<option value="52">52</option>
<option value="56">56</option>
<option value="58">58</option>
<button id="jBold"><b>B</b></button><button id="jItalic"><i>I</i></button><button id="jUnderline">U</button><button id="jSuperScript">A<sup>A</sup></button><button id="jSubScript">A<sub>A</sub></button>
<button id="jLT">A</button>
<!-- Add a form -->
<form method="post" action="postcontent.php" id="contentform">
<!-- Add some hidden input in order for the form to submit some sort of value -->
<input type="hidden" name="content" id="hiddeninput" />
<!-- Add a place to insert the content -->
<div id='fake_textarea' contenteditable>
Select some text and click the button to make it bold
<br>Or write your own text
<!-- Add a submit button-->
<button id="submit">Submit</button>
<!-- Script to make a selected text bold-->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#jBold').click(function() {
<!-- Script to make a selected text italic-->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#jItalic').click(function() {
<!-- Script to make add an underline-->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#jUnderline').click(function() {
<!-- Script to make make selected text a superscript-->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#jSuperScript').click(function() {
<!-- Script to make make selected text a subscript-->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#jSubScript').click(function() {
<!-- Script to add a line-through-->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#jLT').click(function() {
<!-- Changes the font type -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeFont(font) {
var sel = window.getSelection(); // Gets selection
if (sel.rangeCount) {
// Creates a new element, and insert the selected text with the chosen font inside
var e = document.createElement('span'); = 'font-family:' + font.value + ';';
e.innerHTML = sel.toString();
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
range.deleteContents(); // Deletes selected text…
range.insertNode(e); // … and inserts the new element at its place
<!-- Changes the font size -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeSize(size) {
var sel = window.getSelection(); // Gets selection
if (sel.rangeCount) {
// Creates a new element, and insert the selected text with the chosen font inside
var e = document.createElement('span'); = 'font-size:' + size.value + 'px;';
e.innerHTML = sel.toString();
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
range.deleteContents(); // Deletes selected text…
range.insertNode(e); // … and inserts the new element at its place
<!-- Script to add value to the hidden input then submits it-->
<script type="text/javascript">
$( "#submit" ).click(function() {
var htmlString = $( "#fake_textarea" ).html();
// Submit the real form
So I have solved the change font style on the fly problem and but I am still trying to figure out that problem when it comes to anything bigger than 36.
I added
document.execCommand("fontName", false, font);
at the end of my change font script
function changeFont(font) {
var sel = window.getSelection(); // Gets selection
if (sel.rangeCount) {
// Creates a new element, and insert the selected text with the chosen font inside
var e = document.createElement('span'); = 'font-family:' + font.value + ';';
e.innerHTML = sel.toString();
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
range.deleteContents(); // Deletes selected text…
range.insertNode(e); // … and inserts the new element at its place
document.execCommand("fontName", false, font);
as for changing the font size, I inserted
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "1");
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "2");
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "3");
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "4");
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "5");
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "6");
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "7");
at the end of it thus making my change font size script
function changeSize(size) {
var sel = window.getSelection(); // Gets selection
if (sel.rangeCount) {
// Creates a new element, and insert the selected text with the chosen font inside
var e = document.createElement('span'); = 'font-size:' + size.value + 'px;';
e.innerHTML = sel.toString();
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
range.deleteContents(); // Deletes selected text…
range.insertNode(e); // … and inserts the new element at its place
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "1");
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "2");
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "3");
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "4");
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "5");
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "6");
document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "7");
I am hoping to find a way to increase the font size or some other way than adding document.execCommand("fontSize", false, "7");
at the end of it.