I am creating a shopping cart like program, so after i request or sent a request for reservation then the data will be put on the 2nd tab. I have already done that, but the problem is that I need to remove the choosed data on the 1st tab. Here is an image for visual reference:
So the output should be: on the 1st tab, EO1 should only be available, and the highlited red circles should be placed on tab 2.
Then my 2nd Tab
I have already tried using new Array and Array push and in Array it but still giving the problem which the 1st tab data is still showing, how can I hide or remove the data that has been chosen from the 1st tab? here is my code
1st Tab
<?php $newArray = array(); ?> <?php foreach($dorms as $dorm): ?> <?php $res = $dorm['code']; array_push($newArray, $res); ?> <a class="text-decoration-none" href="<?php echo base_url() ?>pages/view/<?php echo $dorm['id']; ?>"> <div class="col-md-6 mt-4" style="margin-left: 6rem;padding-bottom: 1rem;"> <div class="card top-shadow" style="width: 12rem; text-align:center;display:inline-block;"> <div class="card-body"> <img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/images/dorms/<?php echo $dorm['image'] ?>" style="border-radius: 15%;width:100px;height:100px;"> <hr class="border-black"> <h5 class="card-title color-black">Room Type: <b><?php echo $dorm['type']; ?></b></h5> <h5 class="card-title color-black">Room Cost: <br><b> P <?php echo $dorm['price']; ?>.00</b></h5> <?php if ($dorm['status'] == 0): ?> <h5 class="card-title color-black"> <b> <span class="badge badge-success">Reserve Now</span> </b></h5> <?php elseif ($dorm['status'] == 1): ?> <h5 class="card-title color-black"> <b> <span class="badge badge-info">Pending Reservation</span> </b></h5> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> </div> </a> <?php endforeach; ?>
2nd Tab
<?php foreach($dormreserved as $dormres): ?> <?php $pos = $dormres['code']; ?> <?php if(in_array($pos, $newArray)): ?> <a class="text-decoration-none" href="<?php echo base_url() ?>pages/view/<?php echo $dormres['id']; ?>"> <div class="col-md-6 mt-4" style="margin-left: 6rem;padding-bottom: 1rem;"> <div class="card top-shadow" style="width: 12rem; text-align:center;display:inline-block;"> <div class="card-body"> <img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/images/dorms/<?php echo $dormres['image'] ?>" style="border-radius: 15%;width:100px;height:100px;"> <hr class="border-black"> <h5 class="card-title color-black">Room Type: <b><?php echo $dormres['code']; ?></b></h5> <h5 class="card-title color-black">Room Type: <b><?php echo $dormres['type']; ?></b></h5> <h5 class="card-title color-black">Room Cost: <br><b> P <?php echo $dormres['price']; ?>.00</b></h5> <h5 class="card-title color-black"> <b> <span class="badge badge-info">Pending Reservation</span> </b></h5> </div> </div> </div> </a> <?php endif; ?> <?php endforeach; ?>
public function home() { // Check login if(!$this->session->userdata('student_logged_in')){ redirect('students/login'); } $data['title'] = 'Home'; $data['dorms'] = $this->dorm_model->get_dorms(); $data['dormreserved'] = $this->dorm_model->get_reserves(); $this->load->view('templates/header', $data); $this->load->view('students/pages/home', $data); $this->load->view('templates/footer'); }
public function get_dorms(){ $this->db->order_by('id', 'DESC'); $query = $this->db->get('dorms'); return $query->result_array(); } public function get_reserves(){ $this->db->join('reserves', 'reserves.dorm_id = dorms.id'); $this->db->where('reserves.tenant_id', $this->session->userdata('student_user_id')); $query = $this->db->get('dorms'); return $query->result_array(); }
Please update get_dorms
public function get_dorms(){ $this->db->where('id NOT IN(select dorm_id from reserves)'); $this->db->order_by('id', 'DESC'); $query = $this->db->get('dorms'); return $query->result_array(); }