I have a strange issue with php and instantiating objects:
There’s a class structure I’ve created (some interfaces, some traits etc) where I automatically extend a class with a whole load of functions etc. These are working as expected in almost all scenarios.
I’ve attempted to close things down to “idiot/public” proof this repo, so I have made sensitive properties/methods private/protected.
This set of functions include object generation and it is done something like as follows:
$object_name = 'SomeClass';
$new_object = new $this->object_name;
// $new_object is successfully instantiated
(obviously this is done over a few files, so I’m simplifying as it completely illustrates the issue)
So, in their various classes and for various inheritance/anti-pebkac reasons I want to do the following:
// define accessors
// ...
$new_object_direct = new $this->object_name;
$new_object_accessor = new $this->getObjectName();
// $new_object_direct is successfully instantiated
// $new_object_accessor errors!
This last line generates an error:
ErrorException: Undefined property: (...)SomeController::$getObjectName
If you do the following:
var_dump($this->object_name, $this->getObjectName())
.. it outputs:
string 'SomeClass' :
string 'SomeClass' :
Both are exactly the same.
How do you instantiate an object from a string accessor?
After some messing around, I discovered that this needs to be done on separate lines:
// define accessors
// ...
$new_object_direct = new $this->object_name;
$name = $this->getObjectName();
$new_object_accessor = new $name;
// $new_object_direct is successfully instantiated
// $new_object_accessor is successfully instantiated
I will raise this as a bug in php.