I have a problem I’m trying to insert data into a table except that I need to retrieve the id before
$get_ = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = :id"); $get_->execute(['id' =>$id]); $get_ = $get_->fetchAll(); foreach ($get_member as $k) { $not = "INSERT INTO notifications(..., ..., ...,id) VALUES(:..,:...,:...,:id); $q = $bdd->prepare($not); $q->execute([ '..' => , 'id' => $k['id'] // from foreach loop ]) }
I want an insertion as many times as the loop returns the result.
thank you in advance
Why are you using a loop for something that SQL does natively? You should be using insert . . . select
INSERT INTO notifications (..., ..., ...,id) SELECT :.., :..., :..., t.id FROM table t;