I currently use this html code
Which results in the build which results in the user agent.
To identify an exact word I do this
{{ou.user_agent == "Store" ? "Go" : "Nope"}}
If the user agent contains Store exactly, it returns Go and if it does not, it returns Nop.
The problem with this is that it requires exactly the word.
What I need is that of “Go” if “Store” is inside the string.
What I need would be something like this in PHP but in HTML Example code:
if(strpos($useragent, "Store") !== false){
//Note this is a demo code of what I want to achieve but in HTML
The detail is that it is in HTML and I don’t know how to do it.
I am editing a template extension “.tpl.php” of Live Helper Chat
The code is outside the PHP tags as if it were HTML.
Try {{ou.user_agent.includes("Store") ? "Go" : "Nope"}}