I’m sure there are many similar questions but I already tried many of them it seems impossible to get the results I want. So what I want is to convert the timestamp on my WordPress posts to show “1 minute ago, 1 day ago, 1 week ago etc.” but only if the date is equal or less than 1 month, otherwise to display the normal date.
EDIT: So far it shows only like this
And this is what I want:
$posted = get_the_time('U'); if( (int)get_the_time( 'm' ) <= 1 ) { echo human_time_diff($posted, current_time( 'U' )). " ago"; } else { the_time('j F Y'); }
You can then check if the timestamp assigned to $posted
is greater i.e. more recent than the timestamp of a month ago.
if it is more recent, then convert it to a human time ago and append the word ago
if its not more recent then use the date('d F Y)
or whatever format you want long dates to appear in to convert the timestamp back to a readable date.
<?php $posted = get_post_time(); $date = $posted >= strtotime('-1 month') ? human_time_diff($posted) . ' ago' : date('d F Y', $posted); ?> <?php echo $date; ?>
Returns the expected date format of time ago for dates less than 1 month ago, and the full date for dates longer than 1 month ago…