I’m trying to make the fizzbuzz.php assignment from PHP and MySQL Web Development 5th Edition, page 193. I have typed it exactly as it is in the book, but I get a (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) parse error (line 9) when I run it.
I have tried replacing yeild with echo, but then I get an improper function use error on line 27 (the foreach function).
I have tried escaping the ” with but that gives me a syntax error, unexpected string.
I have tried using ‘ instead of ” but get the enacapsed string error.
function fizzbuzz($start, $end)
$current = $start;
while ($current <= $end)
if ($current%3 == 0 && $current%5 == 0)
yield "fizzbuzz";
elseif ($current%3 == 0)
yield "fizz";
elseif ($current%5 == 0)
yield "buzz";
yield $current;
foreach(fizzbuzz(1, 20) as $number)
echo $number.'<br />';
Changing yeild to echo returns a string of numbers and fizz buzz strings but they are not in the order they are supposed to be and there is still a function error at line 27.
I may have something mistyped, but I’ve checked it over and over, and this is how it’s written in the book.
This is too long for a comment.
I suspect that your version of PHP you are running this on, isn’t able to support it, per testing your code online on http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/.
It threw back the same error when using PHP 5.0.4.
You will need to upgrade your server if this is on a local machine. If it is hosted, you will need to contact the hosting provider to see if a newer version of PHP is available to you.
Per the manual on PHP.net under “Note“:
In PHP 5, a generator could not return a value: doing so would result in a compile error. An empty return statement was valid syntax within a generator and it would terminate the generator.
Edit #2:
(From comments)
Thank you for your help, and the links to the php sandbox, that will help me in the future. I ran phpversion() and it returned 5.4.45. It’s a school server, so I’ll ask them if they can upgrade it, or install PEAR on my laptop. – BackupXfer
Using version 5.4.45 also returned the same error, per the new test link. This feature is only available in PHP 5.5.0 and higher.