I’m new with PHP and I’m trying to modify the header of a pdf created by a prestashop module. I would like to delete the logo image “spo devis”.
I searched during long time and I finaly found the page where is the header. Unfortunatly I don’t understand how it’s works.
This is the class structure
class HTMLTemplateQuotationPdf extends HTMLTemplate { public $cart; public $quotation; public $context; private $isSeven; public function __construct($quotation, $smarty) { ... } public function getContent() { ... } public function getHeader() { ... } public function getFooter() { ... } public function getFilename() { ... } public function getBulkFilename() { ... } protected function opartdevisGetTemplate($template_name) { ... } }
For the footer it’s simple a tpl exists and the code call it.
public function getFooter() { $shop_address = $this->getShopAddress(); $this->smarty->assign(array( 'available_in_your_account' => $this->available_in_your_account, 'shop_address' => $shop_address, 'shop_fax' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_FAX', null, null, (int)$this->cart->id_shop), 'shop_phone' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_PHONE', null, null, (int)$this->cart->id_shop), 'shop_details' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DETAILS', null, null, (int)$this->cart->id_shop), 'free_text' => Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_FREE_TEXT', (int)Context::getContext()->language->id, null, (int)$this->cart->id_shop) )); return $this->smarty->fetch($this->opartdevisGetTemplate('footer')); } protected function opartdevisGetTemplate($template_name) { $template = false; $default_template = rtrim(_PS_MODULE_DIR_, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'opartdevis/views/templates/front/pdf'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template_name.'.tpl'; if ($this->isSeven) { $overridden_template = _PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR_.$this->shop->theme->getName().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'modules/opartdevis/views/templates/front/pdf'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template_name.'.tpl'; } else { $overridden_template = _PS_ALL_THEMES_DIR_.$this->shop->getTheme().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'modules/opartdevis/views/templates/front/pdf'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template_name.'.tpl'; } if (file_exists($overridden_template)) { $template = $overridden_template; } elseif (file_exists($default_template)) { $template = $default_template; } return $template; }
But for the header, I’m lost.
public function getHeader() { $this->assignCommonHeaderData(); $this->smarty->assign(array( 'header' => $this->module->l('Quotation', 'htmltemplatequotationpdf'), 'title' => '# '.$this->quotation->id, 'date' => Tools::displayDate($this->cart->date_upd), )); return $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplate('header')); }
I have the impression that it called itself (htmltemplatequotationpdf) …
I did not find the header template (tpl) and I ask myself if it really exists. I searched in all img tags, src tags, ‘header’ word and ‘pdf’ word.
It’s like the header have a different shape than classical template.
Could you help me pls ?
Thanks in advance
The method you are looking for is in classes/pdf/HTMLTemplate.php, and it’s assignCommonHeaderData.
The one you are poiting is a module call.
You can find
$this->smarty->assign([ 'logo_path' => Tools::getShopProtocol() . Tools::getMediaServer(_PS_IMG_) . _PS_IMG_ . $logo, 'img_ps_dir' => Tools::getShopProtocol() . Tools::getMediaServer(_PS_IMG_) . _PS_IMG_, 'img_update_time' => Configuration::get('PS_IMG_UPDATE_TIME'), 'date' => $this->date, 'title' => $this->title, 'shop_name' => $shop_name, 'shop_details' => Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DETAILS', null, null, (int) $id_shop), 'width_logo' => $width, 'height_logo' => $height, ]);
This is from PS, but everything you need is there.
By the way, give a check to the tpl file just to be sure to not referr to a variable that is not going to be passed anymore.