I’m following the following guide for installing Netdata on Laravel Forge. Basically, it’s opening the port 1999 used for Netdata and redirecting it to /netdata
location = /netdata { return 301 /netdata/; } location ~ /netdata/(?<ndpath>.*) { proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_pass_request_headers on; proxy_set_header Connection "keep-alive"; proxy_store off; proxy_pass http://netdata/$ndpath$is_args$args; gzip on; gzip_proxied any; gzip_types *; }
upstream netdata { server; keepalive 64; }
I already have an auth
middleware defined, and how would I only allow people that pass the auth
middleware to visit the /netdata
route? The guide suggests only limiting it to one IP address, but that’s not possible as I move around quite a bit.
Although I have no experience with Laravel or Forge, according to this piece of documentation, you have to define that functionality in your middleware. In essence, you instruct the middleware to perform a redirection only in case of successful authentication.
Perhaps you could instruct Laravel to redirect all connections (if auth is successful) to the NGINX endpoint (/netdata) which you will configure to only allow from localhost
. Thus, a user will not be able to access /netdata
, unless he/she is authenticated via the Laravel Middleware and then redirected from that middleware to the Nginx server.