On main page have Gallery, on click a image need open lightGallery slideshow with images that found on ftp directory, with gallery name that clicked on main page.
PHP for finding images and count it:
<?php header("Content-Type: application/json"); $dirname = $_POST["galleryName"]; $imgGallery = glob("../gallery/" . $dirname . "/".$dirname."_*.*"); $thumbGallery = glob("../gallery/" . $dirname . "/thumb_*.*"); $countImages = count($imgGallery); echo json_encode(array("imgNormal" => $imgGallery, "imgThumb" => $thumbGallery, "imgCount" => $countImages)); ?>
$('.info').click(function() { var galleryName = $(this).closest('.imgGallery').find('img.img-thumbnail').attr('name'); $.ajax({ url: "gallery/imgFinder.php", dataType: "json", type: "post", data: { galleryName: galleryName }, success: function(xhr) { if (xhr.imgCount != 0) { console.log(xhr.imgNormal); console.log(xhr.imgThumb); console.log(xhr.imgCount); for (var i = 1; i <= xhr.imgCount; i++) { $(this).lightGallery({ dynamic: true, dynamicEl: [{ //We need to create as much as we received w "xhr.imgCount" "src": "/gallery/" + galleryName + "/" + galleryName + "_" + i + ".jpg", "thumb": "/gallery/" + galleryName + "/" + galleryName + "_" + i + ".jpg" }] }) return; } } else { console.log('Gallery '' + galleryName + '' has no images'); return; } }, error: function(xhr) { console.error("Some error found"); } }); });
We need to create as much dynamicEl with image/thumb variables, as we received xhr.imgCount
To get something like this:
dynamicEl: [{ "src": '...', 'thumb': '...' }, { 'src': '...', 'thumb': '...' }, { 'src': '...', 'thumb': '...' }, { 'src': '...', 'thumb': '...' }]
inside your JS code you needs to be updated something like below:
if (xhr.imgCount != 0) { console.log(xhr.imgNormal); console.log(xhr.imgThumb); console.log(xhr.imgCount); var dynamicEls = []; for (var i = 0; i <= xhr.imgCount; i++) { dynamicEls[i] = { "src": "/gallery/" + galleryName + "/" + galleryName + "_" + i + ".jpg", "thumb": "/gallery/" + galleryName + "/" + galleryName + "_" + i + ".jpg" }; } dynamicEls.pop(); //For remove unrealized last url/data $(this).lightGallery({ dynamic: true, dynamicEl: dynamicEls }); }
So, I am using and temp variable dynamicEls
and after the loop filling it in correct position.