So my problem is that if i try to save only one value like “Location in the layout” of a post it works, but the moment i am saving an array I’m getting something like [“value 1” , “value 2”] in the DB, therefore it cant be read and in the CRUD-Controller there is no data saved when i am editing.everything works perfectly except the value i am getting from the data. I would appreciate any help, methods or alternatives
<div class="form-group"> <label>Select Post Location</label> <select class="form-control select2 select2-hidden-accessible" multiple="" data-placeholder="Select Locations" style="width: 100%" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true" name="post_locations[]" id="post_locations" > <option value="TopBox-GR" @if ($post->post_locations == "TopBox-GR") selected @endif>TopBox-GR</option> <option value="TopBox-C3" @if ($post->post_locations == "TopBox-C3") selected @endif>TopBox-C3</option> <option value="TopBox-C4" @if ($post->post_locations == "TopBox-C4") selected @endif>TopBox-C4</option> </select> </div>
home controller
public function index() { $posts = post::where([['status',1], ['post_locations','TopBox-GR']])->get(); return view('',compact('posts')); }
and view:
<div class="topbox-c4"> @foreach ($posts as $post) <a href="{{ route('post',$post->slug) }}"> <div class="image-topbox-c4-container"> <img src="{{ Storage::disk('local')->url($post->image)}}" /> </div> <div class="text-topbox-c4-container"> <h3>{{$post->title}}</h3> <p> {{$post->subtitle}} </p> </div> </a> @endforeach </div>
public function update(Request $request, $id) { $this->validate($request,[ 'title'=>'required', 'subtitle'=>'required', 'slug'=>'required', 'body'=>'required', 'image'=>'required', 'post_locations'=>'required', ]); if($request->hasFile('image')) { $imageName = $request->image->store('public'); } $post = post::find($id); $post->image = $imageName; $post->title = $request->title; $post->subtitle = $request->subtitle; $post->slug = $request->slug; $post->post_locations = $request->post_locations; $post->body = $request->body; $post->status = $request->status; $post->tags()->sync($request->tags); $post->categories()->sync($request->categories); $post->save(); return redirect(route('post.index')); }
Firstly you should get selected locations in $selectLocations variable and all locations in $allLocations variable for edit.blade.php
In edit.blade.php, you can display like this:-
@foreach($selectLocations as $value) <select class="form-control" name="post_locations[]" multiple=''> <option value="">Select Location</option> @foreach($allLocations as $val) <option @if($value['id'] == $val->id) {{ 'selected' }} @endif value="{{ $val->id }}">{{ $val->name}}</option> @endforeach </select> @endforeach