i looping 2 array a date and the data
$rdate = $request->month; //<-- Requested month
$days = Carbon::create();
$days = $days->daysInMonth; //<-- Finding how much days in month
for ($i = 1; $i < $days; $i++) { //Looping Date
$date = $rdate . '-' . $i; //Making full Date with formate 'Y-m-d'
foreach ($games as $game) { //Looping game array have 3 collection ['game1', 'game2', 'game3']
$result = Result::whereDate('created_at', $date)->where('game', $game->name)->where('admin_id', $admin->id)->first(); // Query Results for getting perticular game with date
if ($result) { //Checking if current date haven't result
$r[] = [
'game' => $game->name,
'number' => $result->number
} else {
$r[] = [
'game' => $game->name,
'number' => '-'
$resultd[] = [
'date' => $date,
'results' => $r // i want to stop adding old data here
i am expecting this result
What actually getting
Adding old $r to results array
How to fix it i am trying to break it but can’t figure it out
I have some untested code, as I do not have your data but I think this code below should work, you may need to modify some code as needed.
$rdate = '2020-8';
$days = collect([1,2,3]);
$games = collect(['game1', 'game2', 'game3']);
return $days->map(function ($item) use ($rdate,$games) {
$date = $rdate.'-'.$item;
return [
"date" => $date,
"results" => $games->map(function ($g) use ($date) {
$result = Result::whereDate('created_at', $date)
->where('game', $g->name)
->where('admin_id', $admin->id)
return ['game' => $g->name,
'number' => $result ? $result->number : '-',