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How to split and sum comma separated multiple line values in php

I have one issue. How can i split and sum up multiple comma separated line values in php. Following my mysql table screenshot enter image description here

here my date wise miles filter page

enter image description here

I want to output miles colums like following when users enter from and to date.

IA      59.62
MD       7.88    
IL     359.22

Total Miles : 426.72

How can i achieve this in php? Please help me.

my php code:

// Range.php
if(isset($_POST["From"], $_POST["to"]))
    $conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "truckinvo");

    $result = '';
    $query = "SELECT * FROM tble_states_miles WHERE order_date BETWEEN '".$_POST["From"]."' AND '".$_POST["to"]."'";
    $sql = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
    <table class="table table-bordered">
Total Miles from the date between <?php echo $_POST["From"]; ?> to <?php echo $_POST["to"]; ?>  
<th width="40%">Miles</th>
    if(mysqli_num_rows($sql) > 0)
        while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql))


            echo nl2br($row["miles"]); ?></td>

        <td colspan="5">No Data Found</td>
    <?php   echo $result; }

I tried to use following code to split

    $f1 = preg_replace('/,\s*/', "', '", $row["miles"]);
$f2 = preg_replace('/\n/', "'), n('", $f1);
    <?php echo $f2;  ?>



Break per line, break each row to parts, display the name and sum up the values. Try:

Before the loop:

<?php $totalMiles = 0 ?>

Instead of:

  echo nl2br($row["miles"]); ?>

In the loop:

    // iterate per state
    foreach (explode("n", $row['miles']) as $stateRow) {
        // prepare the parts, we don't want any whitespace
        $stateParts = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $stateRow)));

        // the state's name (the first part)
        $stateName = $stateParts[0];

        // sum everything in the array
        // this works, because the name will get cast to "0"
        // try it: echo (int) 'IL';
        $stateMiles = array_sum($stateParts);

        // total mileage sum
        $totalMiles += $stateMiles;

        // display the result, any way you want
        printf('%s miles %.2f', $stateName, $stateMiles);

After the loop:

Total miles <?= $totalMiles ?>

And please, use prepared statements, your application is unsecure.

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