Table :
id title 1. php is a good language. 2. Java is a good language 3. All language are good 4. Php,Java both good language 5. Php is good but Java is not
string: $#
$string = "php Java language"
Result Order
php ,Java both good language ------------------------- php is good Java is not ------------------------- php is good language --------------------------- Java is good language ------------------------ all language are good
I have no idea how to achive the order list by how many words are matched in string.
It will be great if you explain the query.
Thank you.
Convert your string to JSON array then
SELECT, test.tittle FROM test LEFT JOIN JSON_TABLE(@criteria, "$[*]" COLUMNS (word VARCHAR(255) PATH "$")) jsontable ON LOCATE (jsontable.word, test.tittle) GROUP BY, test.tittle ORDER BY SUM(jsontable.word IS NOT NULL) DESC
is a placeholder for JSON array mentioned above.
Of course, you may provide your criteria as space-separated string and convert it to JSON in the query using string functions.
The version without JSON usage:
WITH RECURSIVE cte AS (SELECT, test.tittle, 0 amount, TRIM(TRIM(LEADING SUBSTRING_INDEX(@criteria, ' ', 1) FROM @criteria)) criteria, SUBSTRING_INDEX(@criteria, ' ', 1) token FROM test UNION ALL SELECT id, tittle, amount + (LOCATE(token, tittle) > 0), TRIM(TRIM(LEADING token FROM criteria)), SUBSTRING_INDEX(criteria, ' ', 1) FROM cte WHERE TRIM(criteria) != '' ) SELECT id, tittle FROM cte GROUP BY id, tittle ORDER BY MAX(amount) DESC;