I am sending a job openings email to my website users. I have the following sentences.
Dear user, The following jobs are recently posted in our website. [JOBLIST] Thank you.
If there is only one job, I can use str_replace("PHP Developer", "[JOBLIST]", $message)
But I have list of job openings say,
- PHP Developer
- Data Scientist
- Data Entry
I would like to replace the above tag [JOBLIST] with the above job openings probably with a href
link to the job details.
$jobs = array("PHP Developer", "Data Scientist", "Data Entry"); $links = array("phpdev","datasci","dataentry"); $str = ""; $n = count($jobs); $temp = '<li><a href="https://example.com/jobs/{{link}}">{{job}}</a></li>'; $paras = array("{{link}}","{{job}}"); for($i=0;$i < $n; $i++){ $str .= str_replace($paras,array($links[$i],$jobs[$i]),$temp); } $str = "<ul>".$str."</ul>"; $output = str_replace($str, "[JOBLIST]", $message);