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How to ‘really’ detect integers from DB?

I’m trying to save some code with the following. I’ve an object with variables named the same as table rows so I could create an insert like this one:

$query = "INSERT INTO table ";
        $columns = '(';
        $values = 'VALUES (';
        foreach ($this as $var => $value){
            if ($value){
                $columns .= $var.', ';
                if (!is_int($value))
                    $value = '''.$value.''';
                $values .= $value.', ';
        $columns .= ')';
        $values .= ')';
        $columns = str_replace (', )', ')', $columns);
        $values = str_replace (', )', ')', $values);
        $query .= $columns." ".$values;

But every single variable is detected as string and that’s not true in all fields as you may imagine.

Does anyone have a solution?



Here’s how I would write it:

$canonical_columns = array_flip(array("column1", "column2", "column3"));
$columns = array_keys(array_intersect_key($canonical_columns, (array) $this));
$params = join(",", array_fill(0, count($columns), "?"));
$columns = join(",", $columns);
$query = "INSERT INTO table ($columns) VALUES ($params)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($query);

Stop concatenating fragments of strings to form SQL.

Use PDO, and use parameters for values.

Allowlist column names by comparing inputs to known, valid column names.

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