i want to pass the options as values : here is my code.
$master_id=array(); $ret1="select Id from m_tl_mastercourse"; $result1=get_records_sql($ret1,$limitfrom='', $limitnum=''); foreach($result1 as $resu){ $master_id[ ]=$resu->Id; } $mform->addElement('select', 'master_id', get_string('selectcourse'), $master_id);
If i use this means it is looking like below :
<select id="id_master_id" name="master_id"> <option value="0">php01</option> <option value="1">ios01</option> <option value="2">and01</option> <option value="3">java01</option> <option value="4">python01</option> <option value="5">yii2</option>
what i want is the exact value will be pass in to the option values. how to get that
You can simplify this with the get records menu functions.
$options = $DB->get_records_menu('m_tl_mastercourse', [], 'id', 'id, name'); $mform->addElement('select', 'master_id', get_string('selectcourse'), $options);
To pass the selected value, you need to pass the value to the form.
$formdata = new stdClass(); $formdata->master_id = 99 $mform = new edit_form(); $mform->set_data($formdata); $mform->display();