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How to pass arguments to anonymous PHP class constructor?

I wrote small anonymous class. now i want to pass some arguments to anonymous class . how could i accomplish this task . Currently i m using PHP 8.1 version


$myObject = new class {
    public function __construct($num)
        echo 'Constructor Calling'.$num;

    public function log(string $text){
        return $text;


var_dump($myObject->log("Hello World"));



Because your class require $num argument in construct, you need to pass it when you instanciate your object.


$myObject = new class(1) {
    public function __construct($num)
        echo 'Constructor Calling'.$num;

    public function log(string $text){
        return $text;


var_dump($myObject->log("Hello World"));

Will result

Constructor Calling1
string(11) "Hello World"

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