I’m creating a web where people can add fanbase on it and delete it by clicking an X button. Here’s what I want: when a user click on the X button , a modal will pop-up saying “are you sure”, and when he presses delete button on the modal, the data will be deleted from database (I’m using mysql database).
When the user clicks the X button, I hope the modal showed up with the specific name of the fanbase that the user want to delete. But I don’t know how to pass the fanbase’s id (from my database) to a function i made and use it. Here what it looks like:
the modal from “welcome.php”
<div class="modal fade" id="delmdl"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <!-- Modal Header --> <div class="modal-header"> <h4 class="modal-title">Delete Fanbase</h4> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button> </div> <!-- Modal body --> <form id="" method="post" action="deletefanbase.php"> <div class="modal-body"> <h5>Are you sure you want to delete this fanbase? <span><!-- this is where the fanbase's name should be --></span> </h5> </div> <!-- Modal footer --> <div class="modal-footer"> <button name="addfbmdl" type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" >Delete</button> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div>
the code for iteratively add divs of fanbases from “showfanbase.php”
<?php require "session.php"; require "connect.php"; if(!isset($_SESSION["loggedin"])||$_SESSION["loggedin"]!==true){ header("location: login.php"); exit; } $sql="SELECT fanroom.id AS fr_id, fanroom.uid AS uid, fanroom.aid AS aid, fanroom.name AS fr_name, fanroom.description AS fr_desc, artists.id, artists.name AS a_name, users.username,users.id AS user_id FROM fanroom INNER JOIN artists ON fanroom.aid=artists.id INNER JOIN users ON fanroom.uid=users.id ORDER BY fanroom.created_at DESC"; $result=$link->query($sql); if($result){ $output="<div class='container' style='margin:15px;'>"; if($result->num_rows>0){ while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){ if($row['user_id']==$_SESSION['id']){ $username="You"; $output.="<div class='row'> <div class='col border' style='margin:10px;border-radius:10px;padding:15px;'> <h3>".$row['fr_name']."</h3> <p style='color:grey;'>Made by <b>".$username."</b></p> <h5 style='color:grey;'>A <b>".$row['a_name']."'s</b> Fanbase</h5> <p>".$row['fr_desc']."</p> <button id='delete' type='button' class='btn btn-danger' onclick='deletefunction(".$row['fr_id'].")' >x</button> #this is the X button </div> </div>"; } else{ $username=$row['username']; $output.="<div class='row'> <div class='col border' style='margin:10px;border-radius:10px;padding:15px;'> <h3>".$row['fr_name']."</h3> <p style='color:grey;'>Made by <b>".$username."</b></p> <h5 style='color:grey;'>A <b>".$row['a_name']."'s</b> Fanbase</h5> <p>".$row['fr_desc']."</p> </div> </div>"; } } $output.="</div>"; echo $output; } }?>
and onclick of that button, a function (deletefunction()) on the “Welcome.php” will be executed. inside it i pass the fanbase’s id that is about to be deleted. This function suppose to be only showing the modal, but i want to make this function can hold the fanbase’s id that is about to be deleted.
<script> function deletefunction(del_id){ $('#delmdl').modal();} </script>
what do I had to add to my code so I can show the fanbase’s name on the modal and so I can pass that fanbase’s id to deletefanbase.php(this is for deleting the data at mysql database)?
you should take a hidden field to the form the post that value to the deletefanbase.php
take a hidden field in welcome.php
in e.g.
<input type='hidden' name='delbyid' id='delbyid value="">
when function goes execute set delete id to the hidden field befor you submit the form
it will post the value of that field with $_POST[‘delbyid’] on deletefanbase.php here you can execute the query to delete particular record with that id
//you need to make connection for database or include database connection file before run query $delid=$_POST['delbyid']; $sql="DELETE FROM table_name WHERE id = $delid "; $result=$link->query($sql); if($result){ echo "delete successfully"; }