i want to check the user is typing a message and want to display it in my chat box, i know setting database flag and checking it by timeinterval function, but i think it should be slow method, is there any way to check it? by the users’s machine ip/id .
I have found that using sockets is the only good solution for achieving that. https://wisembly.github.io/elephant.io/ .
PHP server side:
use ElephantIOClient as Elephant; $elephant = new Elephant('http://localhost:8000', 'socket.io', 1, false, true, true); $elephant->init(); $elephant->send( ElephantIOClient::TYPE_EVENT, null, null, json_encode(array('name' => 'foo', 'args' => 'bar')) ); $elephant->close(); echo 'tryin to send `bar` to the event `foo`';
Socket.io server side:
var io = require('socket.io').listen(8000); io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { console.log('user connected!'); socket.on('foo', function (data) { console.log('here we are in action event and data is: ' + data); }); });