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How to mock Eloquent Model in Laravel 8 when calling a route in PHPUnit

I’m trying to mock a method in the Model so that I am able to test the controller api endpoint with different scenarios.

I am currently using Laravel 8 with PhpUnit and Mockery package. In the route I am using Route model binding.


Route::get('/api/{project}', [ProjectController::class, 'show']);


class ProjectController extends Controller 
    public function show(Project $project)
        $state = $project->getState();
        return response()->json($state);


class ProjectControllerTest extends TestCase
     * @test
     * @group ProjectController
    public function shouldReturn200ForValidProjectGuid()
        $project = Project::factory()->create();

        $mock = Mockery::mock(Project::class);

        // I have also tried this, see error below
        // $mock = Mockery::mock(Project::class)->makePartial();

        $this->app->instance(Project::class, $mock);

        $mock->shouldReceive('getState')->andReturn('New South Wales');

        $response = $this->getJson("/api/{$project->guid}");
                'data' => 'New South Wales'

I am currently getting this error

Received Mockery_0_App_Models_Project::resolveRouteBinding(), but no expectations were specified Exception caught at [/usr/src/app/vendor/mockery/mockery/library/Mockery/Loader/EvalLoader.php(34) : eval()'d code@924

I have tried other options like makePartial() instead, however it results in the following error as well

Received Mockery_0_App_Models_Project::__construct(), but no expectations were specified Exception caught at [/usr/src/app/vendor/mockery/mockery/library/Mockery/Loader/EvalLoader.php(34) : eval()'d code@924

Any help would be much appreciated, thank you



You can try the following. I have changed the controller response slightly to make it work with assertJson().


Route::get('/projects/{project}', [ProjectController::class, 'show']);



namespace AppHttpControllers;

use AppModelsProject;

class ProjectController extends Controller
     * Display the specified resource.
     * @param  int  $id
     * @return IlluminateHttpResponse
    public function show(Project $project)
        return response()->json([
            'state' => $project->getState()



namespace TestsFeature;

use AppModelsProject;
use Mockery;
use TestsTestCase;

class ProjectControllerTest extends TestCase
     * A basic test example.
     * @return void
    public function test_example()
        $mock = Mockery::mock(Project::class)->makePartial();


        $this->app->instance(Project::class, $mock);

        $response = $this->get('/projects/1');

                'state' => 'NSW'
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