I am a beginner in PHP!
I am using Free Kadance theme on WordPress.
In the Theme customization option >> Homepage Settings >> we can toggle the title ON or OFF.
If we toggle the title ON it will display the title of the website on homepage with the latest posts. I like to display the page title along with some description text on that home page. After sometime of analysis inside WordPress Theme editor.
On WordPress Theme editor >> template-parts >> archive-title >>title.php
There is a section of php code
elseif ( is_archive() || is_home() ) {
the_archive_title( '<h1 class="page-title archive-title">', '</h1>' );
This section of code is responsible for printing the header text that we toggle ON.
Is there some way to get the text which is printed by function: the_archive_title( )
If I can get that text to a variable, then I can check that statement to the title string and if both are equal I could execute desired php file.
Somebody please help!
I tried
elseif ( is_archive() || is_home() ) {
the_archive_title( '<h1 class="page-title archive-title">', '</h1>' );
//custom code
$title_var_to_check = get_the_archive_title();
echo title_var_to_check;
if(title_var_to_check == "string to check"){
<p>Checking text </p>
//custom code
Result : It worked partially! But every Archive page displayed a text “title_var_to_check” under it.
You need add $ to title_var_to_check
echo $title_var_to_check;
if($title_var_to_check == "string to check"){