We are using jQuery full calendar for displaying events from database.
I need to display the events below the calendar according to user selected month onchange
I can get data according to event date but I can’t get user selected month in jQuery calendar.
theme: true,
header: {
left: 'today',
center: 'prevYear,prev,title, next,nextYear',
right: ' month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
buttonText: {
prevYear: 'Prev'
editable: false,
events: [
<?php foreach ($edumeet_invite_det as $key => $edumeet_det): ?>
<?php $edumeet_start = $edumeet_det->getFromDate(); ?>
<?php $edumeet_end = $edumeet_det->getToDate(); ?>
<?php $title = $edumeet_det->getTitle(); ?>
title:'<?php echo $title; ?>',
start:'<?php echo $edumeet_start ?>',
end:'<?php echo $edumeet_end ?>',
allDay: false
<?php endforeach; ?>
eventColor: '#378006',
This is the calendar function I am using, I need to get user selected month onchange
. Does anyone have solution for this problem?
Maybe I don’t fully understand your quesiton, but it sounds like you just need to know the current month on screen?
FullCalendar has a “getDate” method.
function getMonth(){
var date = $("#calendar").fullCalendar('getDate');
var month_int = date.getMonth();
//you now have the visible month as an integer from 0-11
Sorry if this isn’t what you were asking.