Since I updated my project from symfony 4.4 to 5.0, I have on all my pages the following deprecation warning (only warning I’m having) :
Please install the “intl” PHP extension for best performance.
After searching for a solution, I thought that I needed to install the intl component, which I did :
composer require symfony/intl
I also installed the symfony/translation component :
composer require symfony/translation
The problem is the deprecation is still here (even after bin/console cache:clear
and restarting symfony serve
You need to install intl
PHP extension instead of Symfony component symfony/intl
See manuals for installation on your OS. For example on Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install php-intl
Check if extension installed
php -m | grep intl
intl # must be printed this line with extension name
Official documentation page for this extension