I want $total to be output as just a sum of a number but everytime i sum up $total it outputs multiple numbers
$total =0 // i tried to use a number to sum them up $computers = array( "computer;DT-12;568,36;10", "Samsung; RS; 562,26;11", "Hewlett Packard; F12; 450,23; 23", "Toshiba; LO-34; 454,23;8", "Sony; Vaio 123; 232,23;5" ); foreach($computers as $value) { $product= explode(";",$value); $price = $product[2]; $count = $product[3]; $multiply = $count * $price; $total += $multiply }
expected output:
$total = 27004 as one number
There were a few syntax errors in your codes. Other than that, your calculation looks fine, and great job with explode();
$computers = array( "computer;DT-12;568,36;10", "Samsung; RS; 562,26;11", "Hewlett Packard; F12; 450,23; 23", "Toshiba; LO-34; 454,23;8", "Sony; Vaio 123; 232,23;5", ); $total = 0; foreach ($computers as $value) { $product = explode(";", $value); $total += (int) trim($product[2]) * (int) trim($product[3]); } var_dump($total);
You might check out to see if the math is right.