Can anyone help me to decode in human readable form? I got the file Obfuscated by YAK Pro. Unable to understand what nAbP2
term is.
public function event() {
if ($this->checkDatabaseConnection()) {
goto nAbP2;
return redirect()->back()->withErrors(["database_connection" => trans("messages.form.db_connection_failed")]);
nAbP2:return view("event");
Please guide me thanks.
is a label. In the third line of the posted code you can find the goto
statement. It jumps to the respective label. It means that it will continue code execution at the location of the label instead of just continuing with the next statement.
See goto in PHP for details.
You probably never encountered this construct because it is generally frowned upon and will mess up the readability of your code (which makes sense for an obfuscator).